I've been using Quartus in a virtual machine on my desktop since I hadn't been able to get it working on my 64 bit desktop. When I began using
iVerilog and
GtkWave for synthesis and simulation, my workflow efficiency went way up as I could code and debug everything in vim, then move to the annoying Quartus GUI app just to add pins and program a device. I then wrote a Makefile wrapper for the Quartus CLI tools, so once my pins were assigned I could
make && make prog. However, it was still annoying that I had to boot a VM to program the device (as well as battle libvirt's USB passthrough, which works great except when it doesn't.)
Finally, I got Quartus to run properly on my desktop. I'm even more pleased than I expected to be, because it works great without the ia32-libs package (32-bit libraries... while theoretically it shouldn't break anything, I've had wierd issues in the past with it.) There are lots of older docs on Google that describe this, but they are all old and still talk about the USBfs issue (Ubuntu dropped it from their default kernel, and it took Altera a while to switch to the new /sys/bus/usb/ system. Luckily for me however, it turns out it's quite simple now, albeit a little ghetto (output from the scripts removed for clarity):
root@moose /tmp # tar xfz /home/jackc/Downloads/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux.tar.gz
root@moose /tmp # cd 12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/linux_installer/quartus_free
root@moose /tmp/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/linux_installer/quartus_free # ./install --auto /usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243
root@moose /tmp/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/linux_installer/quartus_free # cd ../quartus_free_64bit/
root@moose /tmp/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/linux_installer/quartus_free_64bit # ./install --auto /usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243
root@moose /tmp/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/linux_installer/quartus_free_64bit # cd
root@moose ~ # for x in /tmp/12.1sp1_243_quartus_free_linux/devices/web/*.qda; do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243/quartus/linux64 /usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243/quartus/linux64/quartus_sh --qinstall -qda "$x"; done
root@moose ~ # echo 'ATTR{idVendor}=="09fb", ATTR{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="666"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/altera-usb-blaster.rules
root@moose ~ # udevadm control --reload-rules
root@moose ~ # mkdir /etc/jtagd && touch /etc/jtagd
root@moose ~ # cp /usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_x64/quartus/linux64/pgm_parts.txt /etc/jtagd/jtagd.pgm_parts
root@moose ~ # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243/quartus/linux64/ /usr/local/altera/12.1sp1_243/quartus/linux64/jtagconfig
1) USB-Blaster(Altera) [2-1.7]
020F10DD EP3C(10|5)/EP4CE(10|6)
You don't need to add startup scripts for jtagd, because any of the Quartus tools that talk to it first check that it's running, and start it if not. Here's my quick and dirty Makefile for building and programming:
all: synth fit assemble netlist
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ALTERALIBS) $(QUBIN)/quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off $(PROJ) -c $(TOPBLOCK)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ALTERALIBS) $(QUBIN)/quartus_fit --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off $(PROJ) -c $(TOPBLOCK)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ALTERALIBS) $(QUBIN)/quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off $(PROJ) -c $(TOPBLOCK)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ALTERALIBS) $(QUBIN)/quartus_eda --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off $(PROJ) -c $(TOPBLOCK)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ALTERALIBS) $(QUBIN)/quartus_pgm --no_banner -c 1 -m JTAG -o 'P;output_files/$(TOPBLOCK).sof'
Remember to change the spaces to tabs in the Makefile definitions if you paste it in! Also, one known hassle is that you need to be root or use sudo for anything in the Makefile other than 'make jtagconfig'. When I get around to fixing that, I'll update it here. EDIT: duh, my fault. The problem was that my project directory had previous output owned by root from when I was testing, and the Quartus tools didn't know how to handle that error. Oops.